Dr Ani Casimir Kingston Chukwunonyelum Millenium Good Governance Project, Vice Chancellor’s Office, Institute of African studies, University of Nigeria.cepperngo@yahoo.com
This article introduces and attempts to question the global role of communication in governance and the challenges facing Africa in applying the tools of communication to achieve the moral ends of societal development. It equally highlights the major critical debates surrounding the relationship between communications, government accountability and responsiveness, and state-society relations in both the developed world and developing countries, especially development practitioners, researchers and scholars in Africa. It is intended to question the concepts of development, communication and the idea and practice of development communication as an emerging field of multi-disciplinary studies with professional and ethical challenges facing its practitioners. The article uses this conceptual context to build a new template for dialogic and developmental communication primarily as a reference for policymakers with implications for practical guidance, lessons learned and case studies on supporting the development of independent and plural media systems, increasing access to information, and using communication tools in governance reform processes across Africa where the poor and the marginalized are estranged from major development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation because of a monologic communication policy that keeps them out of the door of African Governance policy and dividends of development. This paper therefore attempts to build a new system of communication that
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