Michelle Alexander uses her book, The New Jim Crow to prove to society that mass incarceration is a form of racialize social control. I agree with her because a predominant amount of African American males are with held behind bars more than any other race especially caucasians. Everyone faces discrimination is some type of way because it happens within classrooms and public places. The main factor is showing how breaking the law is the new…
In Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina 1896-1920, Glenda Gilmore exposed the benefits of adjusting our angle in studying the southern political narrative of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In studying elite, educated, black and white women, Gilmore found sources that voiced the opinions and views of these women. By placing educated black and white women at the center of her study, Gilmore revealed how the political activism and mutual cooperation by women of both races influenced southern progressivism. Gilmore remarked that her focus on educated female leaders slights the working class point of view, as other stories “remain to be told.” Wilmington’s working class females served…
In the book, The New Jim Crow, written by Michelle Alexander she asserts that The…
The New Jim Crow parallels the civil injustices that were usually placed upon black people during the pre-reconstruction with those placed on felons in current day, making the argument that the system of oppression never really disappeared but instead evolved. This, in a way, supports Alexander’s assertion because it confirms the durability implied by saying that such a system was the foundation of America. In conclusion, Alexander’s focal quote means that America was, and still is, built on maintaining a caste system and preserving power positions, allegations supported by the way power is passed around today, and the structure of the prison…
Indiana: [The law requires separate schools for colored and white children.] [1869] This meant there were separate schools for colored and non colored with the colored schools being lesser then the white schools.…
While I always wanted to be a lawyer, the moment I read the book The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, I knew exactly what type of law I wanted to practice. I want to be a public defender. I am incredibly passionate about criminal justice and fighting for the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves. This summer I will have the opportunity to work with public defenders who specifically represent death row inmates in their appeals. I will have the incredibly unique opportunity to work with an office that has recently argued in front of both the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. Thus, not only will I get to work with clients who need immediate assistance, I’ll also get to work on cutting-edge issues. While I…
The Jim Crow laws were created as a way to segregate black people. Way back in our history, blacks were discriminated against and segregated from public spaces, public vehicles, and even employment. The documentary the Central Park Five points out to us what the newer and more hidden form of what may be called the new Jim Crow looks like today. Sure we no longer tell blacks to sit in the back of the bus, but we deny jobs to those who have a criminal records; we incarcerate innocent people because they are seen as easy targets; we give little to no media attention to victims who are black; we allow racism to occur right in front of our eyes and do close to nothing to stop it or argue it. These are only a few ways our society has collectively…
Michelle Alexander author of "The New Jim Crow" argues that Mass Incarceration has regenerated laws similar to Jim Crow; Alexander believes these caste systems such as Jim Crow and slavery are similar to the existing system of mass incarceration. In addition, Alexander alleges the U.S. criminal justice system created laws that mainly target African Americans through the War on Drugs. In comparing mass incarceration with Jim Crow, Alexander points to compelling parallels regarding political disenfranchisement and legalized discrimination, but her comparison regarding the symbolic production of a race weakens her argument. Alexander, moreover, effectively offers a rebuttal to the counterargument that the New Jim Crow does not carry the same level…
Throughout the history of the United States and the world, there has been racism and prejudice. During 1877 and the mid-1960's there was a particular set of laws that were set that were anti-black. The saying has a few rumored whereabouts, the Jim Crow laws made anti-Black racism legal. During the peak of the segregation the churches taught that Whites were the Chosen people and that Blacks were cursed to be servants.…
I was shocked watching the movie on how Whites treated Blacks like trash, it was very unpleasant to watch. Since 1865 president Lincoln abolished slavery and then a little decade ago they still continue to enslave the Blacks. It was like just a dream for now, but still a terrible nightmare. Also about the movie, I was confuesd on the Ku Klux Klan; they have a cross to symbolize God and somehow burn it, is it a bad thing or good? Anyway to see them doing that just terrible, I'm not a religious person but to those people somehow represents hatred to God and it's not very good to burn a cross. Also the ironic part about it is KKK goes to churches to worship God and somehow burn crosses, which I'm really confused on. After abolishing slavery the Blacks wanted to own land, but when Lincoln was assassinated, newly elected president Andrew Jackson said he was against freeing the slaves. Well it looks like abolishing slavery didn't happen when he was president and all the Black that were freed are slaves again. This doesn't seem very fair at all, Jackson is racist when it comes to Black people, he said that the country, USA, is only for the White race meaning own land, property, food, everything that the Black wanted all taken away. This was very unfair to the Blacks, and I was very upset that the changes happen after Lincoln died. When another guy name Oliver Howard, a christian general, who wanted to help out the Blacks to get some land, they gathered in the church for how they can stop slavery from Jackson and the Whites. So one White person is somehow with the Blacks to help out getting the Black's land. It was so nice of him to do that.…
The Jim crow law is a very exceptional law that has been popularized many times in courtrooms and such. First if the Jim crow law is Jim Crow laws were state and local laws emphasize racial segregation in the Southern United States. And that is such a big law, supremely because of segregation and worriment with racism. So as I take you on this few paragraphed essay journey with me You will learn a lot about not only Jim crow law, but about segregation and how it alternated America forever.…
In the book “The new Jim Crow” author Michelle Alexander goes in great about a race-related social, political, and legal phenomena, which is mass incarceration. Mass incarceration is the new form of Jim Crow laws because of its effects are not only similar but in its new form more effective. Mass Incarceration causes racial segregation, racial discrimination, and hinders the advancement of a people through “a tightly networked system of laws, policies, customs, and institutions that operate collectively to ensure the subordinate status of a group defined largely by race.” In the following paragraphs you will learn of the origins of these inhibitory laws as well as how these laws affect African Americans socially, politically, and economically.…
In the beginning Locke tells us about “the tide of Negro migration”. During this time in a movement known as the Great Migration, thousand of African Americans also known as Negros left their homes in the South and moved North toward the beach line of big cities in search of employment and a new beginning. They left the South because of racial violence such as the Ku Klux Klan and economic discrimination not able to obtain work. Their migration was an expression of their changing attitudes toward themselves as Locke said best From The New Negro, and has been described as "something like a spiritual emancipation." Many African Americans moved to Harlem, a neighborhood located in Manhattan. Back in the day Harlem became the world’s largest black community; also home to a diverse mix of cultures. Having extraordinary outbreak of inspired movement revealed their unique culture and encouraged them to discover their heritage; and becoming "the New Negro,” Also known as “New Negro Movement,” it was later named the Harlem Renaissance.…
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander was a magnificent book. It describes the changes of the caste-like system in the United States. This cast system shows that millions of African Americans were locked behind bars and then forced to a second-class system. They unfortunately were denied the rights that they won in the Civil Rights Movement. This book tells the truth that America seems to ignore. Majority of blacks still have criminal backgrounds or are depicted to be a negative influence.…
In Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" she argues that the present criminal system is just a replacement for the Jim Crow laws that had replaced slavery. Minorities such as black and Latinos have become secondhand citizens in…