One meaning that can be contrived from the focal quote is that the caste system built by racism has been preserved through transformation. Alexander made the point early in The New Jim Crow that racism is highly adaptive, able to be transformed and reworked to fit into its new environment. This concept speaks to the meaning of the focal quote. The roots of such racism run deep in America. So deep in fact, that no …show more content…
The New Jim Crow parallels the civil injustices that were usually placed upon black people during the pre-reconstruction with those placed on felons in current day, making the argument that the system of oppression never really disappeared but instead evolved. This, in a way, supports Alexander’s assertion because it confirms the durability implied by saying that such a system was the foundation of America. In conclusion, Alexander’s focal quote means that America was, and still is, built on maintaining a caste system and preserving power positions, allegations supported by the way power is passed around today, and the structure of the prison