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Click on Jim Crow Stories
1. Click on People and then click on Ida B. Wells. Explain the problems Ida B. Wells faced and her accomplishments.
Some problems Ida B. Wells faced were that both of her parents died of yellow fever and she suffered with dealing with Jim Crowe laws. For example, she bought a first class ticket for train ride but was forced to sit in the back in the “black section.” She refused to move and when the conductor tried to remove her she bit him and was later sued. Wells …show more content…
Washington was born a slave and faced great hardship through his determination to educate himself. Washington founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute on the Hampton model in the Black Belt of Alabama. He was able to earn the trust of white southerners and northern philanthropists to make Tuskegee into a model school of industrial education. Washington was convinced the school would enable blacks to escape the trap of sharecropping and debt. In 1895 Washingtion became a hero when he spoke ar the 1895 Cotton states and International Exposition in Atlanta. He publically accepted disfranchment and social segregation as long as whites would allow economic progress, educational opportunity, and justice in courts. An organized resistance to Washington grew within the balck intellectual community but most blacks admired …show more content…
[Virginia Constitution, 1902] This meant there were separate schools for colored and non colored with the colored schools being lesser then the white schools.
12. Click on four different states and explain their educational segregation laws.
Indiana: [The law requires separate schools for colored and white children.] [1869] This meant there were separate schools for colored and non colored with the colored schools being lesser then the white schools.
Florida: White and Colored children shall not be taught in the same school, but impartial provision shall be made for both. [Florida Constitution, 1885] They are separate but they should both be able to be educated.
West Virginia: White and colored persons shall not be taught in the same school. [West Virginia Constitution, 1872] This meant there were separate schools for colored and non colored with the colored schools being lesser then the white schools.
South Carolina: Separate schools shall be provided for children of the white and colored races, and no child of either race shall ever be permitted to attend a school for children of the other race. [South Carolina Constitution, 1868] They have separate schools and no children can go to the school for the other