The Nuremberg Laws affected the Jewish populations on a global scale. Historically, the Nuremberg Laws are similar to the Jim Crow laws that caused a civil war to erupt in the United States. The Jim Crow Laws drew a dividing line between the African-Americans and the Caucasians. Similar to the Jim Crow laws, The Nuremberg Laws cultivated feelings of superiority and ethnocentrism, as well as helped establish Germany as a powerful country. In order to capture and imprison Jews and non-aryans without retaliation from neighboring countries, the Nuremberg Laws provided the right under law to do so. For instance, the Nazi government taxed Jews mercilessly. The Jews were not only taxed to leave the country and taxed to be sent to “decent” concentration camps, but they were also taxed 25 percent of their wealth to remain free. This tax money went to funding Nazi military excursions outside the country and ironically to imprison others Jews. Jewish property was seized, among other expensive items, that Nazi party members kept for their personal use. The country benefitted from the imprisonment of Jews because it felt it had eliminated its …show more content…
In essence, the laws were just a formality to legitimize a hostile takeover of the government and social structure. Actually, the laws created an entirely new social structure in that the people who were the workers of society, the undereducated, the lower class were now elevated to party members, shop owners, the wealthy of society. People were more than willing to forego any moral sense of self to stay in the favor of the Nazi Party. Jews in fear of being killed or sent to concentration camps informed on other Jews. It was a never ending circle of “survival of the