January 4, 2013
Creative Writing
Period 7
Response to In the Hall of the Mountain King by Willa Glickman
- Original and interesting yet simplistic storyline. The author made something as simple as another day in an orchestra a unique and interesting story.
- I like how some of the minor characters got names based on the instrument they played. I thought it was a funny and interesting approach to identifying unimportant characters.
- I thought the author did a good job making the story realistic through the dialogue, characters, and plot. (esp. the characters’ individual situations like Juliana’s desire to quit, or Embry’s attitude towards everything)
- I thought the author also did a good job with the technicality of an orchestra, like the seating, and playing of instruments.
- I thought there was good character development, and overall good characters. Very believable and each had a unique personality.
- There were some really good lines (esp. on pg 3, and pg 13 - underlined)
- How old is Justin? I know it says he’s a senior, but senior in what - elementary, middle, high school? This is important in judging his character. I doubt a senior in high school would be bullying a nine year old, but you never know. Clarify.
- Why is Justin even there? If he thinks he’s too cool for orchestra and hates it so much, why is he still in it? Maybe include a reason like his mom forced him into it, or he needs something on his college resume…