The act of making a claim of superiority without taking these angles into consideration makes our arguments, claims, groups, etc., unfounded and irrelevant.
2. The argument that anyone whom has been judged or looked down upon could be considered the Other is a difficult one to claim. Every aspect that goes into being considered “the other” are as varied as they are complex. While this aspect certainly could be one of the requirements to qualify, to me there is one glaring dynamic in common and that is “Point of View.” If we use the logic that anyone who has been judged qualifies as “the other” then we are all “the other.” We have all been judged. Whether it be because we are Black or White, Liberal or Conservative, Christian or Muslim, City or Rural, Tall or Short, Male or Female, Fat or Skinny, Smart or Dumb, this city that city etc. This premise forces me to believe that the only defining qualification of “the other” is ourselves. We as humans have no other experience, culture, and environment other than our own, therefore, we have no other opinion or views than our own. We may share or visit cultures, environments, or opinions, however,