I have worked as a Play worker at Fun 4 U 2 for just over 3 years now. My responsibilities and duties at work are to ensure every child is always safe and happy. One of the key roles in my job is communication with parents/carers, the children and also co-workers so I know everything I need to know to keep them safe e.g. if a child has an allergic reaction. In my work I try to promote equal opportunities to every child to the best of my ability. I have read and understood my company’s policies and procedures and am aware of what to do in most circumstances.
The standard procedures that influence the way I work in my role are as followed:
-Human rights act 1998
-Data protection act 1998
-Policies and procedures at work
-Health and safety act 1974
To ensure that my own personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of my work I must ensure that I am open and understanding to other attitudes/beliefs and respect that everyone has different views.
Reflection on your own role is important as it allows you to assess what you are doing well and what could be improved to ensure you can be the best of your ability. It is also important to find your strengths so that you can focus on that and put all your energy into making sure that is showing at work and also your weakness’ so that you know what to improve on.
After working in a child care setting for over 3 years and attending many courses for child care I would be confident in saying that my knowledge, skills and understanding does meet standards, I have grown in confidence and learnt a lot more about children and how they engage and differentiate.
Sources of support I could use to help my own learning and development are as followers:
-Asking colleague’s questions
-assessing both internal and external training
-staff meetings
-Internet/books and other sources of media
To create my own personal development plan I would first speak to my