In the article, “The Sports Gene,” Epstein follows the idea of innate talent. Epstein is justified when looking at the athlete Donald Thomas. After only months of practice, Thomas went to the World Championships and won. Why? Having so little experience manifested in him having a giants Achilles tendon. “Ishikawa noted both Thomas’s long legs relative to his height and also he was gifted with a giant’s Achilles tendon” (Epstein,13). Epstein specifies in further extent what differentiates two top ranked athletes and what skills make …show more content…
Gladwell continues to conclude that the elite get to where they are when they have a specified amount of hours, based on the ideas of others. “In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.” (Gladwell,6). Gladwell is only seeing the debri, he missed the storm. “Of course, this doesn’t address why some people get more out of their practice sessions than others do” (Gladwell,7). He states only the given, not the big idea. “Achievement is talent plus preparation” (Gladwell, 1). The text fails to offer any rationale to how talent influences one’s outcome. Though, the top competitors progressed due to long hours of training Gladwell approached the topic with a discrete amount of confusion as to why some individuals rise above