Deuteronomy 7:6 states of the Israelites, “"For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.” Preceding this statement is the story of Joseph, who too is favored. The Oxford Bible Commentary, written by John Muddiman and John Barton, notes the importance of the patriarchs of the Jewish faith as being chosen by God, and Joseph is no exception. Barton and Muddiman state, “…Joseph, Jacob’s eleventh son, is chosen to be the saviour of his family…” (The Oxford Bible Commentary). Although he is nowhere near being the firstborn son, who was given the birthright and would continue the family name, Joseph plays an important role in the survival of his family. In comparison, even though, Israel was not the biggest, strongest or even most faithful nation, the Israelites are favored by God. They are destined to be his people. The election of Joseph is further discussed by Joel S. Kaminsky in “Reclaiming A Theology Of Election: Favoritism And The Joseph Story,” who says of the favoritism shown to Joseph, “…Joseph neither earns God's favor through proper action, nor is his election cancelled when he misunderstands and thereby misuses his special status.” Similarly, the same applies for the people of Israel, God selects them not due to physical attributes nor does he end their …show more content…
In Joseph’s case, upon being appointed the second in command for the Pharaoh, he would have the power to have his brothers treated terribly as they had treated him. However, even though he considers this throwing his brothers in jail and accusing them of spying, he does not allow them to suffer for long, and instead, he saves them from dying of hunger. He forgives them and protects them. Pierre Berthoud confirms Joseph’s forgiving nature in “The Reconciliation Of Joseph with His Brothers Sin, Forgiveness And Providence” by explaining, “They [Joseph’s brothers] clearly saw that their lives were in the hands of the one they had once sought to kill …they feared Joseph’s vengeance and retaliation. But the dispositions of their brother were very different. Joseph was eager to restore a personal relationship with his brothers and to make peace with them.” Joseph did not spitefully harm his brothers even though they had acted heinously against him. The same is true for the relationship between God and the Israelites. The Israelites continually strayed away from God and disobeyed his commands by falling into sin. For example, only a short time after they escaped Israel due to the help of God, they built a golden calf to worship. However, God continually restores their relationship and renews his covenant. Finally, God promises to send a savior who will liberate the