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The Pearce Institute, Glasgow
Event Dates
Saturday 4th April 2015 9pm-3am - Sold out!!
The Location
The Pearce Institute at Govan Cross was designed by Sir
Robert Rowand Anderson in the style of a very large 17th century Scottish townhouse. It was commisioned to be built by Lady Dinah Pearce in memory of her husband Sir William
Pearce, MP of the Fairfield Shipyard, who died in 1888. Work took place from 1902 and was completed in 1906.
The Institute was intended as a social centre for the community and offered Govanites a men 's and women 's reading rooms and clubs, a library, a gymnasium, cooking and laundry departments, and a retiring room. In addition, the organ, stage and gallery in the McLeod Hall made it a popular venue for dances and social gatherings. On the wall at the entrance to the building is the greeting:
"This is a House of Friendship. This is a House of Service. For
Families, For Lonely Folk. For the People of Govan. For the
Strangers of the World. Welcome."
It would appear that this greeting also extends to some past inhabitants who still wander the halls and corridors...!
There have been many reports of past paranormal activity in
The Pearce Institute. The apparition of a ghostly woman has been witnessed walking across the foyer. Lights have been reported as well as a tap that switches on by itself. The presence of a man has been reported in the main hall on a number of occasions. On one occasion the caretaker reported hearing organ music coming from the hall, but the organ was in a decommisioned state and couldn 't be played!
The figure of a man in a brown overcoat wearing a very distinctive hat has been seen wandering the hallways on many occasions. Another apparition of a woman has been witnessed on the balcony above the main hall. The current caretaker has reported witnessing doors
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