1. Significance of Title - The Piano Lesson
Although the title, The Piano Lesson, may imply a story about learning to play a piano, it instead is a very literal explanation of the plot, as each character in this play learns, through his or her attempts to best utilize their family piano, to preserve the family legacy by embracing the past.
In the beginning of the play, Boy Willie wants to sell the piano to buy a plot of land because he believed the piano was wasting away and would be put to better use if sold (1.1). However, after watching Berniece call on their ancestors through the piano, he realizes that the family piano made with their blood, sweat, and tears is worth much more than land. But as any sibling …show more content…
After she is finally able to conquer her fear, she is reminded of the strength and power held in her ancestors in the piano. Instead of attempting to block out the negative memories of her past, Berniece learns to embrace all memories of her family by continuing to play the piano to honor her …show more content…
While we never get to see what goes on upstairs, the staircase is a representation of their struggle for equality, with Sutter’s ghost only ever appearing at the top of the stairs when Boy Willie is downstairs trying to sell the piano to buy Sutter’s land.
After learning of its appraisal, Boy Willie vows to find the man and sell the piano to raise enough funds to buy Sutter’s land; however, his plans are quickly cut off by the screams of Berniece, claiming “Sutter’s standing at the top of the steps” (1.1). This first appearance of Sutter’s ghost sets the play as a ghost story, in which his ghost aims to foil Boy Willie’s plans of owning a piece of land his family was once enslaved on. Sutter’s strategic placement on top of the stairs while Boy Willie remains at the bottom illustrates the persisting inequality faced by the African Americans even after the Civil