According to Gadzikowski (2013), the school’s administrator oversees all aspects of the school’s programs, from curriculum to instructional practices, from technology to daily schedules. There is a huge difference of roles in program and curriculum planning between an administrator and a teacher.
Administrator’s roles. One main role of an administrator in early childhood programs is making sure that the program they offer in the center epitomizes the best practice in the field. As the head of the center, an early childhood administrator must be equipped with the precise knowledge and experience in curriculum planning, appropriate curriculum goals, variety in teaching approaches and classroom management. He/she is likewise expected to keep up with the latest trends and researches in the early childhood education field to persistently plan programs that are aligned in the growth and development of the children. An administrator is accountable in developing and implementing a program that meets the developmental needs of young children of different ages (infant/toddler, preschool and kindergarten) especially children with special needs.
Furthermore, an administrator is also in charge of building a learning community of children and adults that stimulates the best early learning experience. An administrator that collaborates with the teachers makes them well-guided and proficient in carrying out a balanced variety of instructional practices that improves the quality of early childhood education. This is achieve by coaching the teachers the best engaging and meaningful activities for
References: Calgary Herald. (February 15, 2007). Preschool must meet five developmental needs. In Retrieved June 15, 2014, from bc9a-f6fe094cfd02. Doll, R. (1996). Curriculum Improvement: Decision Making and Process . (9th ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Gadzikowski, A. (2013). Administration of early childhood education programs. Retrieved from Unknown. (n.d.). Needs Assessment and Indicators. In Early Child Development (The World Bank). Retrieved June 12, 2014, from,,content MDK:20200666~menuPK:524390~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:344939,00 .html. Unknown. (2009). Where We Stand on Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation. In NAEYC. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from Yates, Russel (n.d.). Curriculum Overview. In Multi-aged Education. Retrieved June 13, 2014, from http://www.multiage-