“Look at the number of companies here,” he had said that morning, as they helped several other EDC staffers stack brochures on the exhibit table and position the company’s latest models around the perimeter of their area. Manufacturing heads rarely attended trade shows; in fact, this was Sean’s first, but he had wanted to attend, and Ann had supported his interest. “There are too many players in this market,” he had said. “I’ve been saying this for two months now, and you know the forecasters’ numbers back me up. But if they weren’t enough to convince you, just look around. The industry is reaching the saturation point here in the States. We have to break into Asia.”
“Leave it alone, Sean,” Ann had replied. “I know this is something you’re pushing; you’ve said so in the past. But let’s set up a time to talk about it in detail later. This isn’t the time or the place.”
Now, three hours later, with the show in full swing, Ann understood why Sean had been compelled to speak up again. Having all their competitors in the same room at the same time was a