On March 1820, Monroe added his signature, and it became known Missouri Compromise. After this political crisis, Americans were torn between feelings of nationalism on the one hand and feelings of sectionalism on the other. During Monroe’s first year as president, Britain and American negotiators agreed to a major disarmament pact. The Rush-Bagot Agreement strictly limited naval armament on the Great Lakes. Also the relationship between them improved in Treaty of 1818 which provided from shared fishing rights off the coast of Newfoundland; joint occupation of the Oregon Territory for ten years; and the settling of the northern limist of the Louisiana Territory at the 49th parallel, thus establishing the western U.S- Canada boundary line. In late 1817, the president commissioned General Jackson to stop raiders, and if necessary, pursue them across the borders into Spanish west Florida. Jackson carried beyond the instructions; he led a force of militia into Florida, destroyed Seminole villages, hanged two Seminole villages, and drove out the Spanish government. Worried, Spain turned over all of its possessions in Florida and its own claims in the Oregon Territory to the United States in the Adams-Onis Treaty
On March 1820, Monroe added his signature, and it became known Missouri Compromise. After this political crisis, Americans were torn between feelings of nationalism on the one hand and feelings of sectionalism on the other. During Monroe’s first year as president, Britain and American negotiators agreed to a major disarmament pact. The Rush-Bagot Agreement strictly limited naval armament on the Great Lakes. Also the relationship between them improved in Treaty of 1818 which provided from shared fishing rights off the coast of Newfoundland; joint occupation of the Oregon Territory for ten years; and the settling of the northern limist of the Louisiana Territory at the 49th parallel, thus establishing the western U.S- Canada boundary line. In late 1817, the president commissioned General Jackson to stop raiders, and if necessary, pursue them across the borders into Spanish west Florida. Jackson carried beyond the instructions; he led a force of militia into Florida, destroyed Seminole villages, hanged two Seminole villages, and drove out the Spanish government. Worried, Spain turned over all of its possessions in Florida and its own claims in the Oregon Territory to the United States in the Adams-Onis Treaty