There are two main ideas in support of smoking cigarettes. Firstly, people think that smoking cigarettes will help them think more clearly and they can focus on working. For example, a lot of poets, writers and people who work in political smoke cigarettes such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Winston Churchill. Secondly, smoking cigarettes helps people lose weight. Smoking reduces a person's appetite. It lessens the sense of taste and smell. So when people smoke, they don’t want to eat. According to a research, smokers weigh seven pounds less than non-smokers.
In contrast, there are strong arguments against smoking cigarettes. First of all, smoking causes many diseases. It damages to people’s blood, causes emphysema and the worst is cancer. According to NHS Choices, smoking causes about 90% of lung cancer. It also causes cancer in many parts of the body like lips, mouth, liver and stomach. Moreover, smoking can harm other people. Anybody who breathes in other people‘s smoke risks getting lung cancer or heart disease. Pregnant women who smoke can damage the health of the unborn child.
In conclusion, smoking cigarettes brings some benefits. It helps people think more clearly and control their weight. But smoking cigarettes badly affect to people health. It not only damage to people health but also damage to anybody who near them or live with them.
Overall, although smoking cigarettes has some advantages but it is still bad for people health. So the price of cigarettes should include a 50% tax.
(source: international business times, NHS Choices, Tobacco Control Activities)