To : Smith Tan, Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Malaysian Transportation Services Headquarters
From : Roger Lee, General Manager, JL, Malaysian Transportation Services, Kampar
Date : 24 August 2012
Subject : Problems on the KTM Trains and KRT Buses in Malaysia
Terms of Reference
This is our recommendation report on the problems that frequently face by passengers on the KTM Trains and KRT Buses.
Our company is experiencing declining number of passengers for the past six months since February. The unit of tickets sold drops dramatically from month to month since February. Investigations had been conducted and the problems are found out and recommended solution should be carried out to avoid the declining numbers of passengers in the coming days.
The problems are identified based on our observations as well as the questionnaire’s results from our loyal customers of both of the transportation vehicles.
In order to investigate the reason of this declining in numbers of users on both transportation, we have created a few questions that may be the reason of declining numbers of user on trains and buses. Next, our group is organized into 2 small group which one group consist of three members to distribute the questionnaires and questionnaires are collect back after the individuals have finished the questionnaires.
After the questionnaires are collect back, the result are interpreted and analyzed. Then the findings will be present in term of charts and percentages.
Moreover, our group members will also experience the services that provided by both of the transports. First and foremost, one of our group members will pretend as an ordinary passenger in order to observe the behaviors and attitudes of the staffs and workers on duty. We will also check on the punctuality of the transportation by matching the standard time and the actual time of the