The role in architecture in order to combat the possibility of natural disasters is varied when it comes to rebuilding and housing before, after and during the natural disasters. Their essential knowledge and invaluable skills about, building materials, design and attention to detail is imperative in the prevention of damage to buildings. However, unless the architect’s role begins to change similarly to keep up with our changing environment, buildings today can’t withstand the increase number of natural disasters, which our world today is coming to terms with. Natural disasters being, “changes which are so great they may cause damage to the shape of the land or to the lives of people and other living things.” (What are natural disasters?, Primary Resources.) The effects of climate change including extreme temperatures, flooding and droughts and intense heat waves, are causing a greater number of natural disasters. The strong link between architects and the effects of broken housing and infrastructure after natural disasters is all too common. The role of the architect is mainly thought of as being essential in the direct providing of emergency assistance however their role has changed over time to seeing the general plan formulated prior to disasters (Aquilino, 2012.) In rebuilding though it is important for architects and clients to be open for change including adapting new building codes and education to others in the community, whilst keeping with the appropriate culture and atmosphere which would have once existed. Architects play an important role in making homes viable and functional after restoration.
It can be argued that architects contribute to only three percent of the worlds built environment, therefore it is not solely their responsibility (Alexander, 2002.) However if the blame keeps shifting from who is
References: Aquilino, Marie J. 2012. Beyond Shelter: Architecture and Human Dignity. New York: Metropolis Books Pogrebin, Robin. 2007. “Brad Pitt Commissions Designs for New Orleans.” The New ccccccYork Times. (Accessed 14 March 2012) van Schaik, Leon, Geoffry London, Beth George. 2010. Producing Innovative Architecture Orientated Architecture for Decision Support Systems in Environemntal Crisis Management. Science Direct Online. 28 (3): 593-599. (Accessed 1 April 2012) Vinnitskaya, Irina. 2012. Arch daily: Eco- Temporary Refuge/ CimniArchitettura, Accessed 1 April, About The AIA, The Changing Role of Architects in Disaster Response, (Accessed 14 March 2012) (Accessed 1 April 2012) What are Natural Disasters? Primary Resources, (Accessed 1 April 2012)