Traci Rose Rider is the Director of Downtown Design Studio in North Carolina State University, a co-founder and partner of Trace Collaborative, and a consultant for EGB (Emerging Green Builders) committee of the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council). She received her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Cincinnati, Master of Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University, and Ph.D. of Design from North Carolina State University where she focused on the relationship between perception of sustainability and the building industry and explored factors that impact environmental attitudes of designers.
Dr. Rider believes that it is critical to “integrate green building into the design profession through research, education, and implementation” (Rider, traciroserider) to benefit both environment and society. By working beyond the aesthetic and functionality of a space, Rider focuses on the design impact and how it positively influences the well being of the users and the environment.
As an active and passionate designer in sustainability design and green building movement since 2000, Dr. Rider’s has contributed and involved in the design industry in various perspective. She specializes in sustainability planning, consulting and research, green buildings and development of sustainable education programs.
A. Sustainability Design And Green Building
The most well-known sustainable development idea is “meeting the needs of present population without compromising the need of future generation.” (Brundland,14). The importance of connection between nature and human develop ent can be found in Dr. Rider’s design and research. She focuses on Sustainable Design and Green Buildings that promote community connection, personal and environmental health,