It a sad world that some people live in. "Where can I go to escape the bombings?" "Who can I contact to help?" "Will I be threatened if I'm involved with any local activism?" The answer is not so easy to come by at times. That doesn't mean that the previous questions aren't asked. Nor does it mean that the answer(s) offered readily by (the) government(s) are the best option for (a) given terrorized population(s). Thus, there is activism. Activism, as defined by Merriam-Webster is: a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue. This definition in Merriam-Webster alone is proof of activism. Activism is defined …show more content…
To approach a problem when it comes to laws that can be known or unknown when it comes to activism is important. A law might be in place to aid a hypothesis. Sometimes a law needs to be changed in order for the hypothesis, at some point, to aid (in black and white) the failing population as necessary. The failed government then might be able to offer a new law and/or hypothesis that doesn't include activism as the root of the new law's hypothesis. Remember, a law can be enforced with physical force (a physical hypothesis?) if deemed adequately so on paper by police officers, a judge, and/or other government officials that deem such to be necessary. Sadly, sometimes the legal process can't (in real-time) be available in a more black and white way until after humane force is used. This humane force can include …show more content…
These black and white issues can affect even the most profoundly humane civilization(s) and most likely they do. If the humane civilization doesn't stand against and fight just the black and white issues, then the humane civilization could be more directly affected by a government or governments failing civilians. This is normally what leads to societal degradation. There are ways, however, to fight societal degradation. All it takes is a humane response from those involved in the higher ranks of a government and/or those among the higher ranks of government coming together for a meeting of the minds, so to speak. Some members of government(s) rely on direct action from those involved with activism. It's always for the better to think and research before taking action if the time is available to do