
The Pros And Cons Of Communism

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The Pros And Cons Of Communism
How has Communism ever benefited a country? Communism the political theory, which has

caused outbreaks, alters, and adverse impacts. Where, one will not understand the controversial topic

of communism without understanding the basics of it.

Moreover, Communism is the political theory derived from Karl Max, where all property and

resources are owned by society and not a citizen itself, everyone is treated equally in all aspects. Thus

communism is characterized by brutal totalitarian government, which has almost all control and say in

people lives (World Book). This means that you won’t own what is yours, and can’t have say or do

anything to what you have. In a society like this you are essentially working under government

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The basics of communism are a controlled society, where

everything is to be equal that is to be delivered even if it means it has to be delivered violently to obtain

equality and absolute government control, can be known as Communism (What is Communism). The

political theory where society has to be equal in all aspects only being achieved by total government

control and say can be known as Communism.

However, communism became a controversial topic in the Cold War. To begin with communism

was the main reason for the outbreak of the Cold War, which started when the Eastern Europe was

being imposed communist remiges by the Soviet Union in 1945-1990 (Mastering the TEKS in the United

States History since 1877). The main issue was that the United Stated which was a capitalism party as

Noelia Reyes Reyes2

Ms. Washington

English 3 Third Period

11 December 2016

wanting to spread, didn’t want the want the communist party, the Soviet Union, to spread its form of

government to other regions. The two government parties didn’t actually fight, instead it was a
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The Cold War made things happen in good and bad

ways that affected people and movements. The Cold War didn’t just affect the country’s economic state,

it also raised suspicion of communism and also brought the attention to injustices to workers and


The American Communist Party had a big impact on the society of Americans. In other aspects,

the American Communist Party helped improve the rights of Americans. The American Communist Party

had a role with improving the rights of the Americans in a good way, bringing attention to important

rights that Americans wanted to improve. It had a positive impact on people’s lives, by helping them

gain more working rights and social rights. In addition, the American Communist Party is a political party

that is based on communism, that fights for equality, peace, and rights that was founded in 1919 (About

CPUSA). “By then, the party was concentrating on helping to build labor unions and improving workers'

rights.” (Communist Party USA). The American Communist Party goals are to fight for rights for women,

men, and workers by emphasizing change by uniting with one another personally but also

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