In addition, Fischer (2017) has provided ample evidence that incorrect regulations may lead to the creation of public health problems. Moreover, as Kalant (2016) points out prohibition is might be suggested to diminish the illicit market. Additionally, research by Asbridge (2016) suggests that legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes can be based on the experience of alcohol and tobacco use, mainly considering the fact that government monopolies used it for revenues, so the same situation can happen with the use of pot.
While previous literature has investigated various aspects of legalization of cannabis, economic consequences of legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes should be observed. As Werb (2012) claimed, domestic illegal marijuana trade is likely to be worth hundreds of millions annually. However, according to Potter (2011) interprovincial trade policies and a legal market are likely to generate lower retail prices. The existing literature admits that there can be high financial costs from taxation losses and prosecution and imprisonment of the users and dealers of marijuana. At the same time, new tax revenues may appear because of the lack of exact