I have a dream is a phrase heard by more than 200,000 Americans on August 28, 1963, and since then, martin Luther king, Jr,’s “I have a dream “has resonated through millions of heads and thoughts in the world. Eyes search for the reality of his dream, ears search for the freedom bells ringing, hands search for a brother’s hand, and mouths search for the songs of freedom. Martin Luther king, jr. dreamed of a utopia where the colors of black and white would become so interwined that shades of gray would appear. Martin Luther King, Jr. charged the American people to go out and create a perfect place, and many people have tried, but as long as antiquated moral values remain, American will never fully wake up from the nightmare and enter into the dream of equality. Of course not all race and relations todays are nightmare; Americans have risen up from their petty prejudices and biases. During the sixties black people are force to ride in the back of the buses. Black people are force to stay apart from the white people. Sill in some part of the country people are treated like that, especially black people. People are still racists, who judge people by color and religion not by their character. During his time most Americans thought African Americans were uneducated and not at the same level as white Americans, So black were treated so differently. Dr King uses his strong speeches and letters to prove others they were wrong. Dr King pleaded with the American people to end the injustice and inequality that his race had been facing .His speech; his thoughts and his saying are still relevant today. Still people have to face many problems because of race and color. Comparing to before today people are more open minded and they know that race and color doesn’t describe a people character. Even though there are some people who are still discriminating others only because of their race religion and color. We think now people are not racist but there are still people in some…