To me, 2/3 months seems like a short amount of time for the
To me, 2/3 months seems like a short amount of time for the
An employee took time off due to his wife giving birth prematurely. His requested time off was approved by his original manager as the employee qualified for FMLA since he has been with the company for two years and was for the care of his spouse. Under (1)”FMLA rules certain employees can be provided up to 12 weeks unpaid, job-protected leave per year. The employee must work for the company at least 12 months, have at least 1250 hours during the 12 months and the where the employee work, the company must employ at least 50 employees within 75 miles”.…
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is one that ties in heavily to the first situation. “The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year” (Solis, N.D.). This leave must be for the birth and care…
In order to qualify for protection under FMLA, the employee must meet specific criteria. First, the employee must a full time employee that has worked for the employer a minimum of 1250 hours over the last 12 months (Provisions of the FMLA). In this situation Employee A is described as working for the company for over two years so we can assume that this qualification has been met. Second, the employee must have a valid reason for the leave to be covered under FMLA. FMLA covers a number of different causes for leave. In this situation, Employee A would qualify since leave for the birth and care of a newborn child is covered under FMLA. Third, the job restoration must be considered. FMLA allows a maximum of 12 weeks of job protection for most situations. The employee return to the same position held prior to the leave or an equivalent position. In Situation A, the employee was on leave for 11 months and requested to return to his same position.…
The reason for the leave must be for the care of a family member who has a serious health condition or one 's own health condition. Employee A asked for the leave to take care of his wife who had prematurely given birth to twins. In fact, this is one of the reasons listed in the FMLA for this type of leave. It is not difficult to discern that this is a serious medical condition which requires continuous care of the patient. Therefore, employee A should not be subjected to any victimization upon his request of leave. Focusing on the duration of the leave, an employee is entitled to up to 12 weeks of this type of leave, so long as the right paperwork is provided. Employee A had been out for 11 weeks, hence, was still within the statutory period of 12 weeks. Since the issue of paper work is not a concern…
The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid, job protected, leave in a 12 month period for specified family and medical reasons. Title 1, sec 102, subsection 1(a) of this act specifies that the birth of a son or daughter of the employee is an eligible reason for the leave. Therefore, as long as the employee is eligible for the leave he is entitled for the time off.…
There can be many cons to taking a paid paternity leave, but in the long run the family will benefit from the father taking off that time at the beginning after a birth or adoption. The possibility of losing a job is a legitimate concern, but when the father returns to work it will be easier for the father to balance out the workplace and family. The other concern of social judgement is also understandable, but the choice to take that leave to be able to spend time with the child and spouse will ultimately benefit everyone in the situation. Paid paternity leave, when added to paid maternity leave, will have the ability to keep the family financially stable while the family recuperates to the new life of having a child.…
If I was a senior manager of this company to avoid this issue in the future I personally would not discriminate against pregnant women. If a woman becomes pregnant they would have to train a temporary replacement. She would be given a certain amount of maternity leave based on doctor’s orders. If the maternity leave needs to be extended it can be with a doctor’s note explaining why. Once maternity leave is up she would have a job to come back too. During her pregnancy she would receive certain relax in policy. For example, if sever morning sickness coming in to work late will be over looked, early leave time to make doctor appointments, and reduced work load so as to not put the pregnancy in…
The midwife should refer to the mother breastfeeding support groups on discharge from the hospital or clinic. Support should continue after to ensure moms successfully continue breastfeeding. Many new mothers will face increasing challenges when combining breastfeeding with their work, families, and daily pressures of motherhood.…
The article Marissa Mayer’s Two-Week Maternity Leave Is Bullsh*t by Samantha Allen shows how there can be a constant conflict within organizations when dealing with the communication of change. This article shows how the CEO of Yahoo Marissa Mayer decides to communicate her decision of not taking the full maternity leave after the birth of her children. Some employees had negative reactions to Mayer’s decision, and did not agree with her personal choices. Mayer’s decision has shown how the Yahoo organization has a direct relationship to its environment.…
Situation A. The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles those eligible up to twelve weeks leave per each postal year for a new child in the family, whether it be by birth, adoption or placement in foster care. It also allows for leave if the employee themselves has a serious health condition that prevents them from performing the job or caring for a family member that has a serious health condition. Lastly, it also guarantees those eligible up to twenty-six weeks of leave in a postal year to care for a covered service member, as long as the service member is their spouse, parent or next of kin.…
Birth control is method that is used to prevent pregnancy, another word for birth control, contraceptive. There are many different kinds of birth control in the medical world. Each has its pros and cons. Learning about the different methods will help the decision of which birth control to use. Having sex without birth control there is always a greater chance at becoming pregnant. The only sure way to prevent pregnancy is by NOT having sex. Finding a suitable method of contraceptive will reduce the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.…
Secondly, according to Daniel R. Mishell, Jr., MD – Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Southern California –, women were employing “coat hangers or knitting needles or radiator flush to induce abortions”, before professionally-performed abortions were legalized in 1976 (Morrison, par. 7). Indeed, while 39 maternal deaths from illegal abortions were reported in the United States through 1972, abortion-related deaths declined to two by 1976. However, according to The World Health Organization, unsafe “abortions induce nearly 68,000 women deaths worldwide each year”, mainly in emergent countries, since professional services are practically inaccessible and abortions are socially not accepted due to misconceptions…
The legal aspect is one of the major issues in Human Resource Management. I will look at the other side of violation of employment law. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 permits employees up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave per year for a new baby, a sick family member or the employee’s own serious illness. Many companies offer more than what is required by law. For example, the law states employees must provide medical certifications of the illness or birth and can also request another medical opinion. Many companies do not require documentation and also allow employees to use FMLA paid leave along with their paid vacation days or sick days in order to take off more than twelve weeks (Cascio & Aguinis, 2011).…
Late Term Abortions: The Reasons Why Not To Outlaw The Government should not have anything to do with late term abortions. The ongoing debate whether they should or should not outlaw late term abortion is a discussion that cannot seem to find the correct solution for the problem. Late term abortions are is some way quite different than regular abortions for many of the late term abortions are mercy killings.…
The United States is one of only three countries remaining that do not guarantee paid maternity leave to mothers. This becomes a problem not only for new mothers, but also creates a potentially stressful environment for both the newborn and the family. Unsubstantial and unpaid parental leave in the United States contributes to the gender pay gap, is damaging to new mothers, and contributes to the drop in birth rates amongst women in high paid positions.…