The Democrats in their platform says that there is a real and urgent danger posed by climate change. These dangers are to the economy, the national security, and to the children’s future and health. Conversely, the Republicans in rejection of the findings of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate casted doubts on whether this was happening terming it as a political mechanism (2016 Democratic Party Platform).
More so, Medicare is an issue that by large remains parallel in as far as the two party positions are concerned. Contrariwise, the democrats advocate for enrollment of person aged 55 and above to the medical scheme by stating that they seek to fight attempts by the republicans to privatize or phase out Medicare while the Republicans say that their mission is to bring to an end the health care program for the elderly.
Unlike the republicans who blame the Great Recession on the government's own housing policies and not on the Wall Street actions where they also termed the banking regulations as an excuse by the government to establish unprecedented control over the nation's financial markets, the democrats on the other hand while stating their position on Wall Street promises to implement, enforce, and build vigorously banking regulations enacted for the purposes of curbing risky practices undertaken by the financial institutions as well as stopping the efforts by the republicans to weaken it (Mayberry and Peter G,