
The Pros And Cons Of Somatic Cell Transfer

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The Pros And Cons Of Somatic Cell Transfer
Somatic Cell Transfer is a scientific laboratory technology during which there is the fusion of the entire nucleus of a non-reproductive cell (somatic cell) and its entire nuclear DNA content, with the cell of a reproductive cell (germ cell) whose nucleus has been removed; called an enucleated cell, allowing the host cell to program the inserted nucleus from the somatic cell, and then triggering the reproductive cell with its new DNA content to undergo cell mitotic division in a cell culture. The somatic cell is used as donor of the nuclear material to the enucleated egg cell as recipient, with the intention is to creating a viable embryo. The technology is used for both therapeutic and reproductive cloning. During the dell culture phase …show more content…
As the embryonic cells divide, they are then used to produce direct copies of each other or simply planted into a mother to create a clone individual that is a blueprint of the somatic cell organism.
Cloning is highly controversial scientific innovation. It is highly favoured and glorified when the process avoids the involvement of human forms of cloning. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the entire cloning science. On an advantageous note, it could have a great economic reward. If we can evaluate from the 1997 cloning of the sheep (“Dolly”) in Scotland, it is possible to clone more sheep for purpose of wool production. This will stop the over-dependence on natural chances of wool production. (Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning 2014)
Secondly, there is a potential therapeutic benefit such as the regeneration of organs that has been destroyed or surgically removed to avoid the spread of cancer. For example, a uterus can possibly be regenerated by cloning after total hysterectomy due to cervical
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There is a lot that is wrong with human cloning. First it is ungodly and obstructive to divine directed processes of procreating through natural phenomena. This is an ungodly challenge that would make scientist appear like gods.
Secondly, DNA with traits that could be eliminated by natural selections could be preserved for negative intentions or manipulating biological laws to satisfy harmful civil desires. As already shown by Gregory Peck’s 1978 film titled ‘the Brazilian boys’ that such intentions in, “South American Nazi scientists who wanted to clone a batch of little “Hitlers.”,---. (Wayne Jackson, 2017)
Thirdly, cloning of humans will generate a bias on naturally conceived human beings. For Example, if scientists decide to clone human with genes or DNA that favour mathematics of other science geniuses, it will greatly penalize those born through natural process. There is even a more dangerous risk where there could decide to have thousands of tiny human beings ---- destroyed in a misguided quest to improve the quality of human life (Wayne Jackson,

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