Summer’s finally over and the families can’t wait for school to start. Kids are bored, parents who work struggled with finding camps or babysitters, and teachers worry about “summer slide.” But with year round schooling all this would be fixed. There won’t be long breaks that parents dread. Year round schooling has a school calendar that exchanges summer vacation for several shorter breaks at different times. Student wont get bored during long school times. Schools should have year round calendars, because it decreases the amount of information that was forgotten, and it reduces stress over the year. Having a full year calendar would decrease the amount of information that was forgotten over long breaks. If schools have a year round calendar teachers don’t have to spend long periods of time reviewing what they forgot. The national association of summer learning estimates in Education week that, “teachers sometimes spend as much as a month re-teaching materials — a month they could be spending teaching new information and skills” (Lynch). By having a year-round calendar, instead of long …show more content…
They say that there are no summer breaks for kids to lose their stress from schoolwork. This might be a strong point nonetheless, there is evidence to the contrary. In “The pros and cons of year-round schools” says,“…a year-round schedule offers the same 180 days of schooling as the traditional calendar…” This evidence shows that, the students have the same amount of school days and amount of days off. “…vacations are distributed differently. So instead of having 10 or 12 weeks off in summer, kids might have a series of three-week breaks”(Harpez). The breaks would be spread throw out the year so, students are less stressed. Schools would not do year-round schools if they didn’t have breaks for students to relax with their family and