
The Protagonists Beliefs Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Protagonists Beliefs Of The Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was written as a way to try and gain freedom for the colonists. Within, there are stated many ideals that the colonists had and believed were important, they were; equality, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, consent of the governed, and the ability to alter or abolish government. Many have differing views on what ideal in the document is the most important out of the four listed. In my opinion they started off with a bang and put the most important above all others in the way they stated their beliefs. The first outlined belief in the document mentions all men being equal, I believe this is the most important viewpoint conveyed in the Declaration of Independence. The thought of equality …show more content…
The ideal means ¨The term implies that the people of a country or territory...consent, in a [vote] or through elected representatives, to the establishment of their own government¨ (¨The Consent of the Governed: Essential Principles¨). In other words the people who are being governed get a say in their government. Although we see that in The United States of America other countries aren't as fortunate, ¨In the spring of 1989, Chinese university students and other protestors occupied Tiananmen Square in Beijing. They condemned government corruption and called for a change to democracy...One June 4, the protests were crushed by the Chinese government. Up to 3,000 people were killed¨(¨Tiananmen Square Massacre 20 Years On,¨). We are lucky that the Declaration of Independence has given us the ability to do something other countries can’t. It is awful to think that in China people died fighting for the right to be able to help form the government based on what would be helpful to the people and please …show more content…
In Vermont a flag was made saying, “Right of the people to alter or abolish government Declaration of Independence 1776” (Carol Moore Report, July 3, 2008). People want the right to be able to change or get rid of government in a way so that it will best fit the community it is governing. To show how important this belief is let us look at the “Declaration of Tea Party Independence,” February 24, 2010, “This movement has arisen, in large part, because your elected officials have failed us….Therefore, Individuals acting through the Tea Party Movement, seek to restore the policies, which are proven to safeguard liberty and prosperity for all. We will organize, demonstrate and vote until this restoration has been achieved.” Although nobody wants to believe it, our government is not perfect so in that excerpt it states that we (the people) should get the chance to make it better as we see

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