Psychodynamic theory focuses on the cause which drives or motivates personality development. He assumed the behaviour of humans were similar to animals, for instance humans just like animals are driven by basic needs and motives. Freud had stated that the personality had three unique parts and that these three parts were always at continuous odds which each other which lead to conflict. The factor which motivates individual’s behaviour was the conflict which is created within the minds of individuals. The three unique parts are: Id- instinct and desires, Ego- reality/ balancer and Super ego- morality. The id is the only part of the personality which is current from birth. This phase of personality is completely unconscious and involves the natural and primal behaviours. Freud suggested that the Id is the basis of all psychic energy (the concept of a theory of action powering the operation of the mind) which makes it the principal element of personality.
The Id is a factor within individual’s life which drives individuals to gain pleasure and to avoid displeasure. It strives for instant fulfilment of all desires, requirements, wants and needs. If these wants are not fulfilled immediately then it results in anxiety and tension within the mind of