One Saturday a pug fell asleep, and then a human named Pling fell asleep also.He had mysterious dreams about the pug … The pug was chasing a beautiful butterfly, but then the butterfly landed on Pling’s head and the pug came to Pling looked at him and just walked away. Then Pling went into his house and put the beautiful butterfly in a pitcher and Pling said ‘’Thank you,’’. The butterfly just kept flying around in the pitcher buzzing it’s jar it’s new home.
‘’Hi Pling how are you,’’ asked Taj
‘’Hi Taj good n’ you,’’ ? asked Pling.
‘’Wait who are you’’ ? Pling wondered.
‘’Why i'm your ol’ pal from the goodn’ days don’t cha remember me, …show more content…
‘’Ok I guess I will feed him then?’’ wondered Pling. Pling anticipated this pug would stay here, because he was really liked it. Just then his older brother Tinjiku came in and just took his pug without saying a word. Pling was really mad the pug was gone, but he didn’t care it was Tinjiku. Even though Taj pretty much did the same thing, Taj was not the most ordinary person in this world. Then he decided to take a nap…
‘’Trick or treat,’’ everyone was saying. Pling just realized he was dreaming about halloween! WOW Pling thought, he was already in halloween, this is astonishing thought Pling. This is my FAVORITE holiday EVER!.. .AW i’m gone thought Pling. Where am I now thought Pling. Then he realized the people following him, he was FAMOUS. All his dreams came true, kinda.He didn’t care. HE WAS FAMOUS!!...Woah, that was another INSANE nap, I wonder what other people are dreaming? Just then Taj came in and were really mad at Pling gave his pug to Tinjiku. Pling thought it was Tinjiku. But Taj didn't care he wanted his pug back. But when Tinjiku came in with the pug Taj stopped him and Tinjiku gave him the pug, and he sat by his fireplace watching the Green Bay Packers on Sunday with his