There are several steps prior to beginning the evaluation process. There must be a commitment to the evaluation process, clear communication to staff, decisions on a budget, determination if the evaluation …show more content…
The implementation of the program evaluation is very important because if it is not done correctly the results will be skewed. Attribution (did the program produce the measured results) and whether or not it can be generalized to other programs is also very important (Rutman & Mowbary 1983). The evaluator must ensure that the data is as objective, reliable and valid as possible.
Program evaluation is often used to assist lawmakers in government and in organizations to make policy decisions. Often policy makers have many choices in selecting a particular policy. In order for them to choose, they need to have information regarding the effectiveness of policies. Performance evaluation can give the information necessary to make informed decisions.
Political executives, legislators, and organizations use program evaluation to provide information on the efficiency and effectiveness of programs and policies. It affects decisions on which programs and policies to fund, whether to continue funding the same way or not to fund the program or policy at all. It assists in future decision making, policy formulation and policy revisions, and can be used for monitory resources and monitoring the implementation of programs (Milakovich & Gordon