Have you ever been in a situation where you are tired, but you need to stay awake? Many people in this situation usually grab a can of Monster or maybe a Red Bull to keep them going. However, many people-a good majority are parents- say there are "dangerous side effects from consuming too many energy drinks at one time'' (Caffeine Informer). One study showed that between 2009 and 2011 there were 4854 calls to poison control centers involving energy drinks and 51% of these calls were involving children (Caffeine Informer).The truth is, they are not entirely correct.
As you may know, energy drinks are high in caffeine which, to an unhealthy heart, can be bad. In fact, these drinks have been reported in association with serious effects, especially in children, teenagers, and young adults with seizures, diabetes, cardiac abnormalities, or mood and behavioral disorders or those who take certain medications (Pediatrics). …show more content…
Though, they may be right about people dying while drinking these drinks, but the drinks didn't kill them. Those people killed themselves, because they overloaded on caffeine by themselves. For instance, there was a fourteen year old girl who was at the mall with her friends, and she decided to drink not one, but two twenty-four ounce Monster energy drinks (Huff Post). Needless to say, she died of a heart attack, because she drank too much and overloaded on caffeine.
Drinking energy drinks isn't as bad you as you might think. Coming from experience, these drinks, if consumed responsibly, will not harm you in any way. For example, if you drink a Monster over a twelve hour period, it will probably keep you awake and you won't overload on caffeine. The American Beverage Association has even required companies like Monster and Red Bull to post a warning label on every can saying that there are high caffeine levels in the drink