Energy drinks contain many unhealthy and body destructive ingredients. …show more content…
Drinks labeled as dietary supplements have to report any case of incident pertaining to their product but drinks listed as “conventional food” do not. Also in the way dietary supplements have to list the quantity of ingredients in their beverage but “conventional food” don’t have to warn their consumers about their intake of caffeine or taurine. Large companies like Red Bull and monster have been hiding under these clauses for over five years while they have consumers die because of their products. Also in the nutrition facts these companies make their drink look a lot less than they really are, in several twelve to twenty four fluid ounce drinks contain two to three serving sizes per can. So what the nutrition facts are telling you is that the number under sugar carbs and sever other ingredients are either two to three times more than what are listed. Due to this these major companies have been sued for false advertising but were never apprehended of the offense and got away with several lawsuits.
The four billion dollar Energy drink cooperation will never fall down because of the people who don’t care about the things they put in their body but they have been exposed of poisoning their consumers with ingredients that the Food and Drug Association will not even be let into red meat but are allowed in their drinks for the quick spike of energy. The best solution for people who have chronically