Read Belinda Luscombe's essay "The Real Skinny" on pages 492-494 of The Prose Reader and discuss the major premise, the minor premise, and the conclusion. Agree or disagree. Discuss fallacies and false causes and effects. Then respond to at least two of your peers, again with five complete sentences, adding questions or remarks that are thoughtful, engaging and encouraging.-
When did we as a society decided that a women size 0 is the end all be all, and that is what men desire? Do you believe that the fashion industry has sucked us all into believing that, or is it an ideal that we as society have placed on ourselves? Those are few questions that came to mind as I was watching the YouTube video of Crystal Renn’s interview, as well as reading Luscombe’s essay.
Luscombe humoredly wrote “Pretty much everyone – everyone not directly involved in the business of that clothing that is-agrees that something has to be done about waning weight of models. Twenty years ago, the average model was a size 8; today she’s a size 0. It’s very easy to explain why models are so skinny-because of their strict dietary regimen of nicotine, arugula, and rock-star boyfriends.”
I agree that models are really skinny. I don’t believe that we as a society should look to the fashion industry as a whole to sculpt our options on what the ideal weight or shape of a woman or man should be. “Alas, they picked on the scrawniest link in the whole fashion chain, the model. It’s like trying to wipe out Lyme disease by killing Bambi.”