A Sociolinguistic Paper submitted to Professor Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda in partial fulfillment for COMA104 (Language and Culture), 1st Semester, AY 2011-2012
Chapter I
A. Rationale Language serves a significant part in human’s daily life. People need and use language everyday. It plays an important role in communication. It is used in different mediums or channels – speaking, writing, through the media, and even through sign language. Through it, people are converse and express their feelings, ideas, or intentions clearly. In short, language is the main tool in communication. In communicating, there are at least two parties. They are the speaker or writer, and the listener or reader. In this modern time, there are several languages being used. The language used by a person may depend on various factors. It may depend on the place, the time, the occasion, who they are conversing with, and etc. Thus, there are many different linguistic forms. Most of these linguistic variations are highly systematic. Speakers of a language make choices in pronunciation, morphology, word choice, and grammar depending on the factors affecting the use of a certain linguistic variation. These factors include the speaker’s purpose in communication, the relationship between speaker and the audience to whom the speaker expresses the message, the production circumstances, and the social characteristics of the speaker. These factors make up the whole situation or setting in the communication process. When communicating, people do not necessarily use the standard language despite the fat that it could be understood by most people. People sometimes use their own language variation, which depicts their identity. The choice of the language being used by people when communicating is affected by the factors