
The Relationship Between Aida And Radames

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The Relationship Between Aida And Radames
Ramfis, a Egypt’s high priest, informs Radames, a young warrior, that war with the Ethiopians seems inevitable. Radames hopes to be the Egyptian commander to lead his troops to victory. He also wants to rescue Aida who captured by Egyptian troops. Aida is a daughter of Egyptian king, Amonasro. She is now a slave of the Egyptian princess, Amneris. Amneris is in love with Radames; however, she feels Radames is in love with another woman. Amneris sees Radames talking to Aida, and she now knows who the mystery woman is. She tries to relax and decides to keep Aida as her slave. The king of Egypt arrives and tells that Ramfis is right, and the Ethiopian troops are already on their way to Thebes. He points out Radames as the captain of the troops. …show more content…
Amneris sees the dance of slaves to entertain for the battle. At the same time, she is doubting the relationship between Aida and Radames. She decides to test Aida, and she tells Aida that Radames has died in the battle. Suddenly, Aida cries out and confesses her love with Radames. Radames appears with hostages, including the Ethiopia king. Aida runs to the Ethiopia king as soon as she sees her father. Radames and Aida make a promise that he will not reveal their true identities. The King of Egypt is so happy that he honors him by giving him anything he requests for. Amonasro abruptly tells the King of Egypt that the King of Ethiopia has died in the battle, and asks him to free them. However, the people of Egypt want them to die, so they appeal to the King. As soon as they tells the Ethiopia people should die, Radames asks the King of Egypt to save the lives of Ethiopians. As a consequence, the Kind of Egypt happily agrees with his request and tells everyone that Radames is a future husband of Princess

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