These gods controlled the humans' every move like if the people were puppets on puppet strings. In other words, gods controlled the fate of the humans. In The Odyssey, Zeus was pretty much in charge of everything including the search for the god- like Odysseus. Poseidon, the sea-god who had a grudge on Odysseus, was testing Odysseus' fate by making him undergo a wide variety of torments. Oedipus on the other hand, was living out a prophecy that the gods assigned his family that led to Oedipus' banishment from his own
These gods controlled the humans' every move like if the people were puppets on puppet strings. In other words, gods controlled the fate of the humans. In The Odyssey, Zeus was pretty much in charge of everything including the search for the god- like Odysseus. Poseidon, the sea-god who had a grudge on Odysseus, was testing Odysseus' fate by making him undergo a wide variety of torments. Oedipus on the other hand, was living out a prophecy that the gods assigned his family that led to Oedipus' banishment from his own