Generally, the three key sectors of education, health and population are primarily focused feeble to contribute to social development. The evidences from United Nations (2003) showed that human capital, health and education have important economic benefit to society. These three sectors have a close relationship, but the important relationship between educational and health, education and population, and health and population. There are many researchers have been conducting a research to illustrate the relationship between education, health and population. Cutler and Muney (2007) stated that education and health have a close relationship but complicated one. However, they did not provide enough information, Therefore, there …show more content…
Numerous researchers investigated that education influences on health while some others argued that education is affected by health. The three reasons demonstrated that education and health may be related. First reason is that poor health early in life may lead to less education attainment. Second reason is lower educational attainment may lead adversely affect subsequent health. Third reason is differences in discount rates may affect education and health seeking behaviour (Cutler & Muney, 2012). Baker, Leon, Smith, Collins and Movit (2010) revealed that there are consistent and significant association among two factors, education attainment and individual health outcomes by indicating that more educated individuals are healthier and live longer. One explanation could be concluded that the education and health are to be linked together. If people get higher education, they will have more chance to escape from many diseases. On the other hand, when people are poor health, they do not complete education (Cutler & Muney, …show more content…
It needs to be clear understanding the interrelationship between these three sectors. Education and health interacts each other, it cannot be alone. Through education, the people well understood how to take care and prevent many diseases. However, sometime education affected by health, it cannot complete education due to poor health or suffer from many disease. By the time, it should be supposed that education and health need to take the first action in social development. Moreover, the level of education has an impact on the number of population due to the knowledge. Educated people, they have more chance to know how to control the birth rate, fertility and child mortality. More interestingly, health also links to population. If the people are easy to access health care, good health service, fertility and mortality improvement, it may affect the number of population. Regard to the less information, further studies should be conducted to deeply explain the relationship between education, health and