
The Republic Of Nature By Mark Fiege

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The Republic Of Nature By Mark Fiege
Luke Zerwic
Mr. Hussman
The Republic of Nature Essay A common opinion towards an environmental perspective on history is that it is seen as a less effective way for us to look at history. If more people would look deeper and discover what an environmental study on history looks like and how it can be a useful tool it would benefit us greatly. Mark Fiege has explained with his The Republic of Nature why the use of nature as a lens through which to consider American history is extremely useful. He explains how applying knowledge of nature during a historical event can show how the environment has had an impact on the event. So many things have been learned by using an environmental perspective as a way of telling history. Nature can and should be used as a way of viewing history. Looking at the effects nature has had on American history has provided us with a different perspective on the
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Nature is the trees, the plants, and the animals that eat the plants. It is composed of humans too. It is the hands of the laborers and the work that they produce. Fiege says that whatever form nature takes, “people have arranged their societies, economies, and governments to turn it into food, clothing, warmth, shelter, weapons, art, architecture, and many other things”. He is trying to say that nature encompases a broad scope and may take many forms. It is a part of social relationships, economies, and government. Fiege attempts to use nature as a means of looking deeper into historical events and determining how they were affected by nature. By doing this Fiege has discovered many motives and causes for these events. One example Fiege brings up time and time again is the importance of land and how that has affected a large part of American history. Owning land was a sign of wealth and power, not too long ago landowners were the only ones that could

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