The darkness of the night falls across the narrow hallway, the one that she has walked down for months, the one she once called home. A small duffel bag across her shoulder weighs down her spirits as she opens the rusted door for the last time and takes off into the sunset.
Six months later, The City of Manhattan Running is the most thrilling activity that exists throughout the universe. It sends electricity through your veins, the wind in your hair and the spirit through your soul. Every time you doubt yourself, your speed greatly diminishes. This so called ‘heroine’ had failed all of her friends, she knew the horrors she caused upon her old agency. Her father murdered a man which created …show more content…
Miss Arrow or ‘Arrow’, is the most reliable friend Chloe could have ever imagined encountering, but when she left her old life behind, Miss Arrow was abandoned as well. Overwhelmed with guilt, shame and shock, Chloe tries to speak but no words arise.
“I know the time will come when you realize you will help, but until then I’ll leave you. I know you can find it in yourself to face your fears and to ultimately save the world.” Miss Arrow whispers quietly, with a powerful tone of emotion.
She leaves Chloe alone who is lost in her own thoughts, like a feather in a windstorm. The memories of her childhood keep flowing through her mind, all of the hopeless screaming and deafening bombs heard from the midst of the rising fear throughout her mind. It is a hero’s duty to protect the world at all costs, but this price seems far too high to pay for the heroine. Chloe rocks back and forth, debating whether the risk is worth taking. It’s been so long since she’s been emotionally ready to arrive back at the agency and she still didn’t know if she was ready, but without her, the world could end up in darkness. No matter what may come of this, Chloe knows in her heart that no matter how terrifying it is to face, she is going to step in to save the world from this Pseghettian …show more content…
Suddenly, the grand doors of the ship close with a mighty commotion, securing the heroes and the invaders in the vessel. Out of the corner of her eye, Eclipse spots an escape pod, enough to fit all but one of the team that came to help. A sudden change of plans forces Eclipse to finish her battle and one by one, board everyone on. If she could fly the craft to space with the doors locked and no escape, her team would be safe to flee and the Psgettians would be trapped in the outer universe. As she tries to direct Miss Arrow into the pod, she shakes her