One typical blistering hot Monday, the morning announcements came on at Sky High School, in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Fro, (the math teacher), tries to calm everyone down, but just in time Payton, the girl everyone taeses, walks in. Sarah, the typical mean cheerlearder who talks about evryone, (she would even talk about your dog), said, "Look what the cat drug in, take off your costume it's not Halloween yet!" Everyone started laughing, even Mr. Fro, but Payton doesn't say anything, she walks to her desk because this is an evryday thing. The principal starts talking, but he doesn't mention the death of Bananas, the freshman who just started going to Sky High. Everyone knew about the house fire that killed her and her …show more content…
Fro in.. The kids saw Mr. Fro's head and they all started screaming. Josh tried to motion them to be quiet because je didn't want to witness his classmates being killed. Bananas came up to Sarah with a knife to her throat. She told the kids to be quiet or they would see Sarah running around without her head. All of the kids were dead silent, and for her own amusement, Bananas chopped of Sarah's head because she was the main one who bullied her. The kids started crying and blood was gushing everywhere. Banana's took Sarah's head and placed it in the same bucket that held Mr. Fro's head. All of the kids ran away from Bananas, so she had to call her friends to come and find the kids. With the help of her ghost friends, Bananas caught everyone but Payton. Bananas told her friends to hold the rest of the kids because she wasn't through with them yet. Payton didn't want to die, but she also didn't want to see her classmates die. She saw an empty ditch outside of the house and she threw herself inside of it. Payton didn't see the big black cobra that was inside of the ditch, but it sure did see her. As soon as she got in the ditch the snake started to slither up her arm. She started to scream and that was when Bananas finally found her. She didn't even bother doing anything else, she let the snake take care of