Shawn Kirby
INF 103
Prof. Withers
May 13, 2012
The Revolution of Social Media We live in a very face paced world. A world where instant gratification is what almost everyone wants. The advances in technology have enabled us all to have the ability to experience instant gratification in our social lives. The creation of the smart phone was one of the biggest tools invented in order for us to all have instant access to our friends and families, no matter where we are in the world. With apps like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and the numerous other social networking apps out there we can instantly tell people in our networks, where we are and what we are doing just by using our phones. Social networking is a revolution that is sweeping the world every second of the day, it started out small, but now it is a booming enterprise and what seems to be the future of the world. It is truly amazing how far the world has come since the advent of the internet. The internet has paved the way for social networking sites to be a part of everyday life for most people. Friendster was founded in 2002 and was the first modern, general social network (Chapman, 2010). It had over 90 million registered users and its goal was to provide a safer and faster alternative to meet new people rather than the old normal way of going out to a bar, coffee shop, or any other place that a person might meet someone. Friendster is still an active site on the Internet today, and most if its traffic comes from Asia. Hi5 was established in 2003 and has more than 60 million active members (Chapman, 2010). Hi5 is not very popular in the United States; its largest user base is in parts of Asia, Latin America, and Central America. Its site works a lot like most other social media sites where you can have your page viewed by only your friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends, depending on how you set up your
References: Bowles, M.D. (2010). Introduction to Computer Literacy. Retrieved from Chapman, C. (2010). The History and Evolution of Social Media. Retrieved from web designer depot, Facebook, Inc. (15 April). Hoover 's Company Records,148344. Retrieved April 19, 2012, from Hoover 's Company Records. (Document ID: 1014566851). Hepburn, A. (2011). Infographic: The Growth of Social Media in 2011. Retrieved from Hrastinski, S., & Aghaee, N.. (2012). How are campus students using social media to support their studies? An explorative interview study. Education and Information Technologies, 17(4), 451-464. Retrieved April 19, 2012, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2623193231). Landes, L. (May 11, 21012). Facbook IPO Approaching: Will You Buy Shares? Retrieved from Forbes. Pistone, R.. (2011). A Case Study Using Social Media: The Strategic Part of Our Organizational Development. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 3(7), 599-605. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2596835321).