Close Reading
“The Rider” page 61
Lesson Overview Depending on class needs, this close reading should take two to three days. In this two-day lesson, the teacher begins by having students read and annotate the selected passage individually or as part of a class oral reading. Students then work with vocabulary and story questions. On the second day, students re-read the passage with a partner. They check their annotations and answers. They work in partners answering the pairs questions. The lesson concludes with a short argument writing assignment.
Teacher Planning and Preparation (include UDL considerations and planning for ELL and special education students)
Review the answers for all questions asked in this lesson and locate the textual support. (Teachers should always complete the task they expect students to do in order to anticipate difficulties and know when a student is providing a response that is appropriate and based on evidence from the text.)
Apply appropriate elements of UDL
Enlarge font if necessary (UDL 1.1)
Create an electronic version of the close reading student packet (UDL 4.1/4.2)
Allow students to use the Notebook version of Microsoft Word to record in their answer instead of having to write. (UDL 5.2)
Provide illustrations or pictures to accompany vocabulary words in the lesson. (UDL 5.1)
Apply WIDA Performance Definitions and CAN DO Descriptors to differentiate the lesson for English Language Learners
Identify partners for Day One activity
Student Objectives (for this lesson)
Students will be able to
Analyze the theme/central idea of the passage to
Explain any figurative language used in the poem to develop an understanding of how these images add to the poem’s effect.
Paraphrase the poem
Respond to an argumentative essay prompt
Essential Questions
What is loneliness?
What constitutes happiness?
Can you escape loneliness? If so, how?
Common Core Lesson Focus Standards
RL.7.1 Cite