So they left and migrated to Italy in hopes of being treated more fairly (Impact of the Fall of Constantinople, October 6,2012 Bartolomeo De Giano).Venice was a major trading partner with Constantinople, so the people knew that they would be welcome. There the people realized that they found a new city that became home for some people, and a place that they would be treated fairly and be welcoming to them and others (History When they left they took all of their books and manuscripts with them. Once in Italy they translated the books from greek to latin. The information in the books played a huge role in the Renaissance. The fall of Constantinople flourished the start of the Renaissance. Before the fall, the Byzantine Empire was at it’s all time low. The condition that the government was in was extremely bad. The population stated to fall as many Christians were feeling unsafe so they moved to Italy where they knew that they wouldn't be made fun of for their religion. The Black Sea used to be a major trade route for the Byzantines but with the Ottomans in control the trading basily stopped. The trade stopped because the Ottomans created a trade monopoly and the other civilizations didn't want to be apart of that. The lack of trade affected Italian trade. The fall was economically beneficial to the Ottomans, but not to former …show more content…
I think that something would have occurred, but not the Fall of the biggest capital in the known world. Since the Byzantine empire was in the middle of a golden age something had to come next. A golden age is a time of peace and prosperity, but that can't happen all the time. Every single golden age that has occurred, it eventually fell but the death of a very import leader caused the empire to come tumbling down. The leader’s involved in the Fall of Constantinople were all after one thing, power. In that time the only thing that mattered to most of the leaders was how much power they could obtain and by conquering another city, that made them