Jejemons became very viral during the year 2010. I remembered, it was given much attention than the ongoing election that year. It has influenced many people over a small period of time. From kids, teenagers and even to adults. Jejemon originated from the words "Jeje" which came from "Hehe" typically used to portray slight laughter and "Mons" (monster) from the animated series Pokemon (or Pocket Monsters).
But who/what are these Jejemons? Are they vampires like Edward Cullen? Werewolves like Jacob Black? NO. They are just ordinary people but has an "extraordinary skill" in writing. Urban Dictionary defines them as:
a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh.. whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.
(noun or adj.)---a person who is very expert in typing.. a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments... people with very LOW IQ a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc... a person you want to fuck off and kill an emo/gangster who owns all the possible negative qualities of a person. is the derrogative term used for a certain categorized kind of people.They type JEJEJE or JEJEJE when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes.
In addition to that, the blogpost "What it takes to be a JEJEMON" written by akosiniko, mentioned that one can be determined as a Jejemon through three signs: Jejetyping, wearing of jejehat and posting jejephotos.
First, "Jeje typing" which basically includes sticky caps, numbers and symbols instead of letters and too much punctuation marks. Words written on this manner are apparently