A combination of climate change and agricultural practices have led to an excess run off of phosphorus in Lake Erie, resulting in excess algae blooms spread across the surface of the water. Phosphorus is the key nutrient that dictates algae growth and abundance. Microcystis, a species of cyanobacteria characterized by its blue colour continually contaminates the waters, and damages marine ecosystems, due to its toxicity. Being the smallest, shallowest and most densely surrounded lake in Canada, Lake Erie is easily impacted by surrounding impacts.
Microcystis is a form of cyanobacteria, which is not a true form of algae but a more photosynthetic bacteria (Dalogul, 4). High levels of algae accumulate on the surface of lakes producing large blanket like abundance of algae called blooms (Borre, 1). Environmental impacts caused by algae can be seen through low oxygen conditions produced from the decay of excessive amounts of algal growth. When the conditions permit it (often during warm weather), the algae form at a more substantial rate and facilitate a toxic bloom. Blooms do occur naturally, however they become enriched with nutrients (phosphorus fertilizer run off) from industrial and agricultural influences (Dalogul, 3). Powerful toxins produced can travel through the food web of a marine ecosystem and affect seabirds, marine animals and humans, which potentially can be fatal (Seaweb, 2). Humans can contract aliments from the algae as well, by breathing air borne toxins by coming in contact with it physically or consuming contaminated shellfish. There are two types of toxins produced by Microcystis: Neurotoxins and Hepato-toxins These toxins affect surrounding ecosystems, and more specifically marine life of the Lake. Neurotoxins will affect nervous and respiratory systems, which cause muscle tremors, staggering and often within 30 minutes, death. Hepato-toxins, affect the liver, which results in a slow