
The Road Not Taken

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The Road Not Taken
Often, we reflect on the decisions we've made in life and wonder if we've taken the right road. Sometimes we ponder on the decisions we'll need to make in the future for the betterment of the quality of our lives. What if there's two roads that's similar or how does one know which road to take in life? How do you decide? Like Robert Frost expresses in his poem his sorrow for not being able to take both roads, but he said the second road was just as fair. My interpretation of this poem relates to life; however, no road would ever look the same regardless of what path we try to take in life. It's like God creates a special plan for all of us that he feels best suites. Our natural instincts make us feel like we are missing something if we take an alternate path, then we began wondering about alternate outcomes. In life, we learn our lessons …show more content…
The author has utilized poetic mechanism such as (physical things that refer to conceptions or emotions), past tense and descriptive language. There relates a long peregrinator culling a road to take to the decisions the poet must make in his life. The poet uses (putting pictures into your mind) to make his poem intricate for the audience. The poet has utilized physical things that refer to conceptions or emotions such as the roads which represent a cull of life. Physical things that refer to conceptions or emotions have been well utilized in this poem to compare the peregrination to life decisions. The poem is inscribed in past tense which tells the reader that the poet is reflecting on an experience. The road the poet travelled leads to the unknown just life every decision in life. No matter how long that anyone decides on which road they would take they would never realize what would transpire. Without utilizing past tense, the reader would not understand the message from this

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