Life is a challenge, a test all humanity should sit for. From life, we learn so many lessons. How to overcome our fears, what do we aim for, and how can we achieve our main goal, success. Success is a quite easy attempt; however, only for the most determined ones, those who comprehensively believe in themselves. Those whom I believe can withstand any kind of restraint to make their dreams reality. What do you think they follow that makes them persistent, a life manual, or a road map? It's more than that, a body organ that we tend to neglect when ever we are down and despaired, the heart. The heart that is the building block of the road we are to hit, the road to success. The eminent book writer, Paulo Coelho once said, "Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the soul of the world, it will always guide you on the right track". Now allow me to introduce to your knowledge a new well-guaranteed strategy that will surely take you on the safe road of success.. First, I would like you to:
Learn from the bare bones of our history
Gandhi, Aristotle, Martin Luther King, Dr. Ahmed Zoel, and many other eminent figures have shaped a very successful history of humankind. All of each recall a time in their lives when they were considered a failure at one pursuit or another; that made many of them feel that their previous failures taught them valuable lessons and led to their successes. Those whom I certainly believe sought the safest road to success.
Now it is time to visualize:
2) When you imagine the ‘road to success’, what sort of picture do you see in your mind?
Do you imagine a long road that