Since the beginning The popular show Friends have been extremely successful, it aired in 1994 and lasted for about 10 years. In the show, there are six close middle-aged friends residing in Manhattan. The show generally is comedic, with some romance revolving around the close group of friends. Starting in their twenties, they made some poor career choices and are struggling to stay afloat. Over the years, they managed to get into heterosexual relationships with each other which involves the romantic part of the show. However, the problem that needs to be assessed is the lack of diversity shown. Not one of them is something other than …show more content…
Like Friends, this show is based upon comedy and romance revolving around their daily lives. The group had intimate relationships involving themselves and others looking for the right individual to settle down with. Their lives mainly revolved around romance, career choices, and having a drink in parties or bars. Surprisingly enough, Barney, Ted, Robin, Marshal, and lily who are mainly Caucasian, all have had recurring roles starting from the beginning of the show, till the end. A special guest by the name of Tracy came towards the end of the show, but she was not a person of color so to speak. However, there were a few that are other than white, who had crucial roles in the film, such as their cab