According to Jennifer Armstrong, author of “Diversity: Why is Tv so White,” roles of minorities in primetime television shows are secondary to non-existent. According to Vadin Rizov, author of “new study puts numbers into the lack of minority representation in film,” the 100 top grossing films of 2012 over 70% of the characters are white and the other percentage is the minority. Out of 100 out the best films in america during 2012, 70% of the people in the film were white. Minorities having secondary to non-existent roles in tv shows showcase exactly how much the minorities are thought about which is not much. Television shows and films shouldn’t be so racially specific when choosing role for a
According to Jennifer Armstrong, author of “Diversity: Why is Tv so White,” roles of minorities in primetime television shows are secondary to non-existent. According to Vadin Rizov, author of “new study puts numbers into the lack of minority representation in film,” the 100 top grossing films of 2012 over 70% of the characters are white and the other percentage is the minority. Out of 100 out the best films in america during 2012, 70% of the people in the film were white. Minorities having secondary to non-existent roles in tv shows showcase exactly how much the minorities are thought about which is not much. Television shows and films shouldn’t be so racially specific when choosing role for a